Effect of cold deformation on the number of special boun daries in the ferrite component of low carbon steels


  • V. I. Bolshakov
  • T. V. Semenov
  • G. D. Suhomlin
  • D. V. Laukhin
  • A. V. Beketov
  • H. A. Askerov
  • A. V. Murashkin
  • V. N. Tkach
  • I. S. Burykina


Deformation, ferrite, carbon.


By light and electron microscopy analysis was carried out, the evaluation and calculation of the number of special (in concept lattices coincident nodes) of low-energy boundaries in low -carbon low -alloy ferritic steels com ponent of industrial production. Show sthe effect of temperature-deformation processing on the number of SG and the possibility of grain boundary design these steels. 


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov