Development of new composite materials for fire safety and noise reduction of machines and mechanisms in workplaces in industry and transport


  • A. M. Mozgovoy National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov, Heroes of Stalingrad Avenue, 9, Nikolaev, 54025, Ukraine, Ukraine


Noise of machines, workplaces, thermophysical properties, Foam glass, safety.


In the article the questions connected with the basic directions To reduce the noise of machines and mechanisms at workplaces in industry and On transport. The results of scientific research on the development of Modern composite materials for fire, vibration and noise protection Premises on modern vessels of any category.

Author Biography

A. M. Mozgovoy, National University of Shipbuilding named after Admiral Makarov, Heroes of Stalingrad Avenue, 9, Nikolaev, 54025, Ukraine

Art. Lecturer, Department of Life Safety and Civil Protection


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Life Safety