Assessment of conditions in the workplace operators with excess heat production environment loizlucheniem


  • A. S. Belikov
  • L. N. Laukhina
  • E. V. Rabich
  • S. Y. Rahimov
  • I. V. Meshcheriakova


Evaluation, Working conditions, Heat radiation, Hygienic standards.


The paper proposes assessment of working conditions for operators HDTV ous authors developed a technique by which revealed the "hidden" sources of additional exposure , showing the real parameters of the production environment . Based on the research results revealed that the operator exposed to intense thermal radiation more 350V t/m 2 (exposure to 25 % of body surface) over 2/3 of the working period , which should be considered when determining the work and rest in accordance with applicable health standards .


ДСТУ 3728-98 - відповідає ISO 3873 «Промышленная безопасная каска».

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Патент Украины № 81113 от 25.06.20013, Бюл. №12.





Proceedings in memory of Starodubov