Development of the new est ways to create complex sloiv wear resistant with a metastab le structure, self-reinforced when wearing -S R I


  • A. P. Cheylyah
  • I. A. Cheylyah
  • N. E. Karavayeva
  • M. A. Ryabikina


metastabylnaya structure, temperature, deformation.


Provides a method of hardening the surface layers of the integrated steel 18CrM nTi by getting it differentiated phase-structural states w ith different am ounts of content and the degree of residual austenite m etastability It is established that, depending on the tem perature o f the plasm a im pact the hardness o f the hardened surface layer varies according to a curve w ith a m axim um corresponding to heatingat about 1500 ° C. The relative w ear resistance is increased to s = 3,7 through the course of deform ation m artensite yres ^ a ' transform ation during wear.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov