Degradation of sparin glyalloyed steel


  • О. V. Liubymova-Z inchenko


degradation, Industry, oschadnolehyrovannыe steel.


A considerable part o f equipm ent in chem ical and oil-refining industry hasbeen in service for a long tim e and com es up to depletion o f the planned resource. Its further service is possible subject to com pliance o f m echanical and other characteristics to the values laid down in the regulations. Most com monly the current values of the measured characteristics have been com pared with the minim um allow ed for such technical objects during the planned researches and after accidents. This prevents from tracking o f changes tendencies o f such characteristics. By the exam ple of strength properties study of sparingly alloyed steels o fASTM A 333 Grade 6 and JIS G3458 STPA22 grades the possibility to forecast the changes of mechanical characteristics during a long-term usage has been shown. This allow s us not only to trace the tendencies of their variations in time, but also to give prediction estim ates. This increases the operational safety of equipm ent and the ability to predict the residual life appears.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov