Metal degradation as collection of changes in structure and mechanical Characteristics
Oil, operation, degradation metal.Abstract
A considerable part o f equipm ent in chem ical and oil-refining industry com es up to depletion o f the resource. E quipm ent operation, w hich state is im possible to put in perspective is hazardous. Currently, estim ation o f a current state and rem aining lifetim e forecast is an am biguous and com plex task. Steel variety and operation conditions add difficulties and currently there are no general approaches to solve this task. The author proposed for consideration the assay o f the existing estim ation m ethods o f lifetim e, based on m etal structure alterations, its m icro- dam ageability and variations o f m echanical characteristics in term s o f sparingly alloyed steels. A set o f m echanical values for the evaluation o f operational degradation has been suggested and their responsiveness has been analyzed. B ased on the dislocation theory a forecast as for strength property alterations through tim e has been carried out. C orrelation betw een structural adjustm ents and corresponding alterations o f m echanical quantities has been shown.References
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