Comparative estimation of humus content and mobile forms of nutrients in chernozems of ordinary on virgin soil and arable land


  • S. M. Kramaryov State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", ul. Chernyshevsky, 24-a, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine, Ukraine


Soil, humus, fertility


The study of changes in agrochemical properties of chernozems They are difficult to loamy under the influence of a long Their anthropogenic factors. For this purpose, a comparative assessment was carried out Two soil profiles on arable land and on the virgin land. On arable land it was noted Deterioration of agrochemical properties, especially in the upper layers.

Author Biography

S. M. Kramaryov, State Higher Educational Institution "Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture", ul. Chernyshevsky, 24-a, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection


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Life Safety