The influence of parameters of pulse-plasma treatment on structure and properties of steel 40Cr


  • A. P. Cheiliakh
  • Yu. Yu Kutsomelya
  • V. I. Fedun
  • M. A. Ryabikina


Pulse-plasma treatment, Structurization, The properties of steel 40X.


The results of studies on the structure of samples of steel 40Kh (40Cr) after pulse-plasma treatment (PPT) under different conditions (U = 2,5 - 4,0 kV, pulse number from 1 to 6), with the use of a nichrome electrode (Cr20Ni80) are presented in this work. It considered the influence on the thickness and quality, microhardness of the layers which receive. Are proposed regimes of PPT by which the structural steels can be modified to obtain layers of different thickness (0.01 - 0.15 mm) and hardness (2800 - 6200 MPa). It is established that as a result of pulsed plasma treatment on steel  are obtained layers, consisting of two solid solutions with the fcc structure and close periods based on Fe and Ni, which have a texture in the crystallographic direction [200]. Increasing the microhardness on the depth of the metal, when diffusion occurs in the deep layers of steel, indicates that the atoms of Nickel and Chromium are not only on the surface, but also are diffused deep across substrate.


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Proceedings in memory of Starodubov