Security Issues of Ukraine's population in situations of armed conflict and ways to solve them


  • V. N. Cherneta State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo st., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


armed struggle, critical situation, public safety, territorial defense, military forces, security measures


Current local wars and armed conflicts are more likely to occur with the involvement of the armed opposition and other anti-government groups. Their goal is to undermine the economic, military and moral potential of the enemy. In these circumstances, the greatest losses are sustained by the civilian population on both sides of the conflict. The tragic statistics of the last 100 years of development of Ukraine, as well as the events of 2014-2016 in the Crimea and in the southeast of our country confirmed that the civilian population in an armed conflict needs to be prepared for the practical actions of survival in the occupied territory. In addition, in order to reduce losses and conduct the liberation struggle patriots should be trained in rules of guerrilla warfare. The article presents specific recommendations for teaching safe life for all age groups of the population in the current environment. As an example, the author used the Swiss experience in training people for total opposition to the aggressor. Also, there are some reasonable proposals to restore the integrity of Ukraine, based on the characteristics of the hybrid war with Russia and the existing system of national security.

Author Biography

V. N. Cherneta, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo st., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

aspirant, Department of Life Safety


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Life Safety