Refined methods of calculating loss of pressure in the pressure pipe hydrotransport
Hydrotransport, engineering hydraulics, hydraulic size, the method of calculationAbstract
The initial data for the design and operation of systems of pressure and gravity Hydrotransport granular particles assess sedimentation lagoons and tailings is the value of the hydraulic size of suspended solids. Due to the complex dependence of drag on the particle Reynolds numbers it is necessary to conduct a significant amount of approximate calculations in the absence of the necessary computing techniques. On the basis of the use of the wellknown formula in its current form for calculating the hydraulic size of particles and its mathematical transformation developed and the algorithm approximate calculations above this parameter. Recommended calculation algorithm allows to determine: a) the value of the first approximation; b) order and a series of successive approximations of values ensures the convergence of the calculations in the slightest error. When determining the pressure loss in the pressure lines recommended a graph of the resistance movement of sediment concentration replace the empirical formula of the author.References
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