Convergence solutions of pareto optimization innovative project with tube gas heaters in building structures


  • H. Y. Chornomorets ass., Ukraine
  • V. F. Irodov Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine


tube gas heaters, building structures, multi-objective selection, evolutionary search algorithm


Abstract. Purpose. We have to solve the synthesis problem for development of an innovative project to build a gas tube heaters in structures. At the decision of the tube gas heaters synthesis problems arise conflicting requirements. Often, we should simultaneously consider the problem of optimization in the presence of two criteria, however in this work were used the Pareto evolutionary algorithm. The Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm is a relatively recent technique for finding or approximating the Paretooptimal set for multiobjective optimization problems. The approximation of the Pareto-optimal set involves itself two (possibly conflicting) objectives: the distance to the optimal front is to be minimized and the diversity of the generated solutions is to be maximized (in terms of objective or parameter values). For tube gas heaters located in the building structures it is following criteria: efficiency and length of the heater, from which capital costs are dependent. The article is devoted to the definition of design parameters of the heater and its operating parameters to optimize performance. The purpose of this paper is to describe multi-criteria selection for solving the problem of synthesis. Methodology. Was proposed to use multi-criteria selection involving an evolutionary search algorithm the most preferred solutions. It was applied to solve the problem of Pareto optimization of the innovation project construction with tube gas heaters in building structures. Findings. It was formulated conditions for solving the problem of Pareto optimization of the innovation project construction with tube gas heaters in building constructions. It was developed algorithm optimization problem working tube gas heaters in building structures. Originality. In the article there is an algorithm for solving the optimal parameters of the tube gas heaters in the building construction, which is carried out according to two criteria, at the same time contradict each other. It was proved the convergence solutions Pareto optimization of the innovation project construction with tube gas heaters in building constructions. Practical value. Is necessary to find a balance between capital and operating costs for the design of the tube gas heaters in structures. Must be found not one criterion for the best solution of the heating system, was proposed to use multi-criteria selection that use an evolutionary algorithm to find solutions. Results of the solution of this problem will provide a positive impact for the entire construction project.

Author Biographies

H. Y. Chornomorets, ass.

Department of System Analysis and Modeling in Heat and Gas Supply, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

V. F. Irodov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of System Analysis and Modeling in Heat and Gas Supply, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction