Method of technical and economic operation parameters calculation for power supply system with photovoltaic cells


  • Yu. V. Khatskevych Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof., Ukraine
  • I. M. Lutsenko Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof., Ukraine
  • M. V. Aleksandrov stud., Ukraine


photovoltaic cells, power supply system structure, domestic electricity consumers, tariff, electricity generation mode


Abstract. Purpose. This paper presents the technical and economic characteristics research of the hybrid power supply system structures implementation for domestic consumers using renewable energy - photovoltaic cells. Methodology. The proposed method for calculating and selecting of the hybrid power supply system takes into account payment for electricity in the domestic sector and modes of consumption from more than one source of energy, capital costs and payback periods of solutions by reducing fees for centralized power supply is developed and proposed. The use of this methodology will allow identifying and recommending the optimal structure of the power supply system for the specific conditions of the individual consumer. Findings. As a result of the calculations, obtained by the proposed method, technical and economic characteristics of the power system with photovoltaic cells are given. They differ from the existing by complex taking into account current tariffs on electricity for residential consumers, operation modes of the system elements and allow selection of the optimal structure of the system that provides minimum payback period criterion. Originality. The dependences of the payback period for the various power supply system structures on the amount of electricity consumption show that there is no specific relationship between the payback period and the power of system components. This fact cause the necessity of analyze of possible structures and modes of operation for conditions of each consumer individually. Practical value. The existing tariff system of electricity consumption payment makes the ensuring of its full energy independence from a centralized network due to the 100% consumption coverage by photovoltaic cells impractical and is the least favorable structure due to the payback period, which is several times higher than the payback period of the system with combined power supply.

Author Biographies

Yu. V. Khatskevych, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.

Department of power supply system, State Higher Educational Establishment ―National Mining University‖, D. Yavornytskogo prospect, 19, Dnipro, Ukraine

I. M. Lutsenko, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. Prof.

Department of power supply system, State Higher Educational Establishment ―National Mining University‖, D. Yavornytskogo prospect, 19, Dnipro, Ukraine

M. V. Aleksandrov, stud.

Department of power supply system, State Higher Educational Establishment ―National Mining University‖, D. Yavornytskogo prospect, 19, Dnipro, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction