The feasibility of use quasi two-dimensional mathematical models for estimation of failure probabilities efficiency on account of burnouts in the tube gas heaters


  • V. V. Tkachova Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. prof., Ukraine


tube gas heaters, calculation, reliability.


Abstract. Purpose. The identity property of reliability, which is reflected in this work, is failure - free operation. Operation tube gas heaters are characterized by a number of specific features affecting the level of accident (breakage). Such performance features include failures efficiency, due to various types of damage of the tube heater. Such damage burnouts are derived usually from internal high temperature corrosion. As shown by experimental researches, the gas combustion products moving along the tube part of the heater surface is heated irregularly. The purpose of this work is to estimate the probability of failure efficiency of the heater by improving its method of calculation. To achieve of the purpose must be developed a model of thermal and hydraulic regimes TGH, which takes into account the irregular of temperature distribution along the perimeter surface of the heater along its length. Methodology. Analysis of the probability of performance failure efficiency due to burnouts, made it possible to develop a quasi twodimensional mathematical model of the thermal and hydraulic regimes, which consists of equations of heat and motion. Presented equations of the mathematical model different from the known published mathematical model [3] equations for the temperature distribution of the heater surface connection depending on the angular coordinate. The developed algorithm for calculating [3,7-9], the relevant paragraphs of the program, was introduced in addition a dimensionless empirical relationship of the form. The final set of isolated parameters affecting the temperature distribution at the perimeter of the heater due to convective motion. Findings. The necessary experimental data on the nature of the changes in the perimeter of the heater temperature. A empirical relationship, which takes into account the effect of temperature distribution not only in linear, but the angular coordinates too. Originality. A quasi twodimensional mathematical model of thermal and hydraulic conditions, which further takes into account the irregular distribution of temperature on the heater perimeter depending on the angular position. We obtain a calculation method which allows us to estimate the probability of failure efficiency TGH, due to burnouts. Practical value. The algorithm and the modified program to calculate through the computer was developed. These calculation results can be used during the design, operation and analysis of the existing equipment in heating systems with a tube gas heater.

Author Biography

V. V. Tkachova, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass. prof.

Department of systems analysis and modeling heat and gas supply, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction