The design of hanging reinforced concrete sandwich wall panels
three-layer reinforced concrete beam, resistance to heat transfer, the software package "Elcut 5".Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. In construction there are different kinds of three-layer reinforced concrete cladding wall panels. The middle layer of these panels is a materials of heat-insulation (mineral wool, polymer, lightweight concrete), which have high thermal properties. The calculations were performed on the thermal conductivity using the software package Elcut 5" for main types of walling mass application in the construction of buildings for various purposes. Purpose. Improvement of structures reinforced concrete sandwich wall panels for mass application based on the results of the calculations of reduced resistance to heat transfer. Conclusion. The resistance of heat transfer panels with flexible links and panels with monolithic links between the layers and the middle layer of polystyrene on 1.35...2.1 higher than other variants structures. For the first temperature zone the minimum value of the resistance of heat transfer provides for panels with flexible links and the middle layer of expanded polystyrene (450...500 mm), extruded polystyrene foam (450...500 mm), and mineral wool (500 mm). And panels with monolithic links between the layers and the middle layer of polystyrene concrete (450...500 mm). For the second temperature zone the minimum value of thermal resistance of enclosing structures of residential and public buildings provide panels with flexible links and the middle layer of polystyrene (400...500 mm ), extruded polystyrene foam (400...500 mm), mineral wool (450...500 mm), and panels with monolithic links between the layers and the middle layer of polystyrene (400...500 mm).References
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