Natural ventilation in dwellings of multistory buildings
supply and exhaust device, valve, check valve, exhaust grille.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. The aim this work is to provide an organized air exchange in apartments of apartment houses by the device controlled ventilation. Methodology. To achieve this goal prompted to install air inlets, valves, installed in the window sash or in the outer wall. Systems of supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation is recommended to equip the facilities for heat recovery and exhaust air units for cooling and humidification (air conditioning). In systems with natural ventilation by removing exhaust air is carried out through the attic or on the roof of the mine. In homes with a warm attic arrange a vent shaft on the house-tower, or in the section provided a hermetic separation of the sections from each other. In homes without a warm attic exhaust shafts on the roof equipped with baffles. Removal of air from the rooms of apartments is carried out through exhaust grilles or flaps on the upper floors of the house, air removal is carried out by individual exhaust fans through channels. Findings. Installation adjustable ventilation air to normalize the heat-flats mode to provide the desired breathability and reduce heat losses by 10-15% and in case of utilization of 20-25%. Obtained schemes of natural ventilation systems separate teams exhaust duct in a building with a warm attic and without. Originality. The optimal scheme of air provides the simplicity and low cost, as well as the virtual absence of maintenance required. A plant air supply devices, valves, in turn, the normative air exchange and reduces noise penetration into the apartments to the level of regulatory compliance. Practical value. A new multistory residential building equipped with an effective ventilation system that allows you to maintain hygiene standards, despite the fact that infiltration through metal Windows and doors missing.References
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