Reconstruction of plumbings networks in the straitened terms: labour protection, methods, features of execution of works


  • A. A. Klimenko State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


reconstruction, labour protection, site area, safety of production of works, trench, plumbing


Raising of problem. Most of the water supply networks in all settlements of Ukraine laid many years ago, for this reason, it requires constant supervision of their integrity, and it is necessary to keep them in working condition, works on their restoration, repair or reconstruction. In the operation flow processes of aging underground pipes in water supply systems, which leads to loss of pressure and reduce their capacity due to the overgrowth of pipes, deterioration of physical and chemical indicators of drinking water transported to the contamination of groundwater and surface water and soil. Water leaks from the piping, caused by their aging, are the cause of rising groundwater, which can lead to the destruction of the exploited buildings and existing engineering infrastructure facilities. Given that the work to replace the pipeline are carried out, usually, conventional open pit in dense urban areas or in the territory of the existing industrial enterprises, to determine the characteristics and production methods of their work on the reconstruction as well as labour protection of the production process is considered urgent and necessary. [1, 2] Purpose. Analysis of the methods and characteristics of works on reconstruction of water supply networks in straitened terms, and study ways to improve safety in the performance of the manufacturing process under consideration. Conclusion. 1. Improving technology, comprehensive mechanization processes, the correct organization of work and jobs, especially the safety of workers in the production of works on reconstruction of water supply systems are still relevant. 2. Most of the works of repair, replacement and reconstruction of water supply networks in crowded urban areas and in the territory of the existing industrial enterprises in an open way in which the technical operations are made with a greater proportion of manual labor, which is detrimental to the safe production work. For this reason, to make recommendations to improve the safety conditions in the performance of the considered type of work it is necessary.

Author Biography

A. A. Klimenko, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

ass., Department of safety of vital functions


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Life Safety