Modeling the extinguishing fires of class «a» with gelling binary compositions
firefighting, experiment, trunk spray.Abstract
Annotation. Goal. Research is to check the adequacy of the models considered filing solutions extinguishing agents (EA) with flat radial on the fire hearth to accept the terms and conclusions of earlier experimental and theoretical studies of extinguishing fires. Although the methods and techniques of modeling processes of extinguishing fires in principle designed, but issues related to the remote supply of binary gelling compositions (GC) for fire extinguishing, study of a modified method of a simulation modeling the movement of their components in order to create a tactical software considered in our opinion for the first time. The present study attempted to approach the remote supply problems of gelling compositions on pockets of fire, providing a more effective fire fighting. Methodology. To explore these issues developed mathematical techniques that are collectively known as "experimental design" or "optimal experimental theory" that can actively intervene in ongoing experiments. In our case, under the design of experiments refers to the realization of a certain number of trials and the selection of the conditions of their implementation, necessary to meet the challenges in the work tasks. Results. Empirical dependences of range and width of the front feed flat radial water jet on the geometry of the outlet section of the expiry of the water box. Spend their structural and parametric identification, carried out checks on the adequacy of the Fisher criterion and the criterion of minimum deviation. Selected linear model accurately correspond to the results of experiments. Scientific novelty. Formulated and implemented two-factor linear formulation of the problem (second order) simulation flow processes of flat radial jets at a relatively long distance with the help of a specially designed nozzle for standard trunks spray. Practical significance. Designed rational values of the input parameters are specified features of the application of the developed model, as well as to determine the sensitivity to a change in the output characteristics of the input parameters.References
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