European integration as an accelerating factor for the implementation of fundamentals of green economy in ukraine
green economy, European integration, EU directives and regulations, implementationAbstract
Abstract. Objective. The objectives of the research are to carry out analysis of state policy and a set of measures forming the foundations for green economy in Ukraine, to assess the adequacy (sufficiency) of measures aimed at creating conditions for sustainable development through administrative and economic instruments that would ensure an effective impact of government regulation on the volume and structure of consumption and production products, the use of innovative resource-saving technologies. Methods. The research used a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach, allowing the determination of the potential of projects implementation of green economy as an integral part of reforms at national and regional levels. The following scientific methods are used: the method of theoretical generalization, historical and logical methods, the method of analysis and synthesis (to determine strategic priorities build upon the existing resource potential of Ukraine in the green economy). Results. The conducted research shows that integral ecology oriented state policy and a set of measures forming the foundations for green economy in Ukraine aren’t developed yet. Currently environmental policy instruments are more often used to eliminate the effects of pollution, and therefore are narrowly focused. However, the momentum for the effective implementation of green economy in the state can be obtained on the terms of the harmonization of the legal systems according to the European Union standards (EU) and targeted internal coordination of state structures in Ukraine. Analysis of EU trends and regulations provided for implementation, allowed to formulate the key directions of development of green economy in Ukraine. Thus, the implementation of a new green policy may be due to the European integration process, which will provide an opportunity to lay the foundations for the transition to sustainable development. Scientific originality. It was found that the development of green economy contributes to solving systemic development problems of regions of Ukraine in the direction of reducing the energy intensity of industrial production, promoting the transition to renewable energy sources, effective management of industrial and household waste, and environmental protection. Practical significance. The research results can be used in the development and practical implementation of the strategies and target programs of regional development, the implementation of the structural reforms of the regional economy.
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