Visualization of the fields of indexes of the ecological state of atmospheric air at regional level
atmospheric air, field of concentrations, estimation of quality.Abstract
Summary. Raising of problem. Control of the state of environment from data of measurings on territory of region, receipt of reliable information for acceptance of administrative decisions on development of basic directions and measures, providing a decline contamination of environment, is one of basic tasks of the system of the ecological monitoring. A decision such of tasks is expedient for cases, differentiating territorial (city, ground, region), on the types of natural objects (atmospheric air, soil, water, биота, health of population), at times (present moment and prognosis from retrospective data). It determines the variety of basic data and their feature. From other side different tasks for different cases and indexes of the state of environment have a lot in common in the applied mathematical vehicle. It allows to unify the programs of decision of tasks of construction of the fields for different indexes. Realization of such task plugs in itself creation of database current and retrospective information about the indexes of the ecological state of environment on results measurings; creation of the compatible programs of calculations of the fields of indexes of the ecological state; creation of model cards of territories for the basic cities of area, grounds and area; creation of the programs of imposition of results of calculations from data of measurings of the fields on the proper cards of locality. Purpose. In this connection in a multilevel subsystem by estimation and prognosis of muddiness of atmosphere of region it is suggested to include the model of visualization and prognosis of the fields of contaminations of atmospheric air from data of measurings. Method. At development of model empiric approach, based on frequent decomposition of descriptions, actings from the posts of supervisions, was accepted, on natural ortogonal functions. Scientific novelty. The modernized module of visualization of the fields of contaminations is offered for the system of the ecological monitoring. Conclusion. The offered model allows to provide a traceability спрогнозированного contamination and estimation of the state of atmospheric air from data of measurings at the decision of tasks of ecological safety. Such structure of monitoring subsystem, including the models of a few levels of complication to a full degree corresponds the specific of the technogenic loaded region what the Dnepropetrovsk area is.References
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