Develop a conditioning system with heat recovery exhaust air to ensure optimum microclimate in the buildings
the parameters of the microclimate, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, systemsAbstract
Abstract. Ensuring microclimate parameters is possible with the help of air conditioning systems, which are large consumers of traditional energy sources (coal, oil, gas). Combustion of these forms of energy leads to environmental pollution. Atmospheric air is one of the main natural environment vital elements. Currently, in many countries, air pollution has exceeded the allowed level of adaptation of living organisms, including the human body. In most developed countries have already developed a program to protect the atmosphere, based on long-term forecasts of air pollution, as well as on the national concept of the protection of the atmosphere. Much attention is paid to this issue, and Ukraine. Reducing the environmental impact on the environment is possible through the development of technologies environmentally friendly life-support systems that use renewable energy sources. The quality of maintenance of microclimate parameters should not deteriorate as it would lead to reduced efficiency and human health. Therefore, today is the actual development of efficient life-support systems, to ensure reduction of emissions into the environment. Purpose. The aim of this work is to develop a conditioning system with heat recovery exhaust air to ensure optimum microclimate in the buildings. Findings. Let us consider each of the building life-support system alone, namely, the heating, ventilation and air conditioning, it was found that the provision of optimal parameters of the microclimate in the buildings is not possible without the work of these complex systems. The heating system is able to maintain a given level of internal temperature of the air that meets the conditions of thermal comfort and process requirements. The ventilation system is able to ensure the maintenance of the required level of a wide set of air parameters: temperature (in all cases), mobility (speed), relative humidity (not in all cases), dust, concentration of harmful substances. The air conditioning system, as opposed to the ventilation, not only provides the necessary air change in the room, but also automatically maintains the set conditions it is not dependent on external climatic factors and the internal mode in the room. Practical value. The air conditioning system with heat recovery exhaust air will improve the microclimate in the buildings, as well as improve productivity of man.References
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