Development of natural stone explosive manner


  • V. N Mandikevych . Sen. Inst., Ukraine
  • T. V. Morozova Sen. Inst., Ukraine
  • I. I. Usik Cand. Sc. (Tech), Assoc. Prof., Ukraine


decorating and building products, block stone, borehole charge blasthole charge black powder.


Abstract. The questions of separation of natural stone blocks blasthol charges of black powder for water-saturated and fractured rock. Result. The sparing method of exposing of creviced formation granites the charges of high-capacity explosive is worked out. Scientific novelty. Parameters and constructions of explosive charges are calculated for the first time to separate the blocks from the array of block stone deposits. Practical meaningfulness. Conducted polygon and experienced explosions at Sophia Field of block stone.

Author Biographies

V. N Mandikevych ., Sen. Inst.

Department of physics, HEI ―National Mining University‖, 19 Karl Marx Av., Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine

T. V. Morozova, Sen. Inst.

Department of physics, HEI ―National Mining University‖, 19 Karl Marx Av., Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine

I. I. Usik, Cand. Sc. (Tech), Assoc. Prof.

Department of construction, geotechnics and geomechanics, HEI ―National Mining University‖, 19 Karl Marx Av., Dnepropetrovsk Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction