Modern going is near declaration of safety of objects of an increase danger


  • A. Y. Tsina Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, vul. Ostrogradsky, 2, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • S. V. Polyakov Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, vul. Ostrogradsky, 2, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • J. A. Sonnik Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, vul. Ostrogradsky, 2, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine, Ukraine


safety, dangerous of objects, passport system, authentication, declaration


Purpose. The improvement of mechanism of government control of safety is determined by the necessity of perfection of legislative base in relation to stimulation of measures of reduction of risks of origin of emergencies, increases of demand to the safety measures at objective level and efficiency of work of organs of state supervision and requires updating of ways in the questions of declaration of safety of dangerous of objects. Methodology. Methodologies of ground of categories of objects of enhanceable danger, determination of mechanism of the passport system, authentication, declaration of safety of dangerous objects are offered. Findings. It is set that reduction to the amount and minimization of socio-economic consequences of the emergencies of technogenic or natural origin, provoked by anthropogenic activity on potentially-dangerous objects is impossible without the input of modern mechanisms of government control in the field of management of risks on the objects of enhanceable danger. Plenitude of examination of objects of enhanceable danger for establishment of class of their danger is determined by not only establishment of accordance to the norms of the threshold masses of present on them hazardous substances and by the state of technogenic objects but also evaluation of risk level, validity and sufficientness of his acceptable levels. Perfection of government control of safety of objects of enhanceable danger is offered by facilities of development of Declaration by the all-round evaluation of risk of origin of accident and consequences providing of plenitude of research of degree of danger and validity of sufficientness of acceptable levels of risk related to her. Originality. Offered complex going near the ground of features of such economic mechanism of adjusting in the field of safety as declaration of safety of dangerous of objects. Practical value. Introduction of ground of categories of objects of enhanceable danger, features of their passport system, authentication and mechanism of declaration of safety will allow gradually to diminish naturally-technogenic tension in the regions of country, that, in eventual case, safety of her steady development will determine.

Author Biographies

A. Y. Tsina, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, vul. Ostrogradsky, 2, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine

Dr. sci., Prof., Department of theory and methodology of technological education

S. V. Polyakov, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, vul. Ostrogradsky, 2, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine

student group TD-7, Faculty of technologies and design

J. A. Sonnik, Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, vul. Ostrogradsky, 2, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine

student group DO-61, Faculty of psychology and pedagogics


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Life Safety