Energy efficiency of wall panels


  • V. V. Kolohov Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D., Ukraine
  • L. V. Moroz Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D, Ukraine
  • N. E. Perchanik master's degree., Ukraine


concrete construction, exterior wall panels, heat resistance, design, reliability, durability, production technology


Abstract. Goal. The analysis of possibilities of simplification of manufacturing technology wall fencing manufactured out of precast concrete structures with improved thermal characteristics. The primary material. The change of the structure of wall fence in accordance with the change of the thermal resistance of the latter. Analysis of the appropriateness of modes design solutions wall panels. Changing regulatory requirements to thermal resistance of exterior walls of structures is accompanied by changes in structural solutions wall fencing. Thus there is a gradual transition to multilayer structures, which reduces overall stiffness of the structure and, consequently, to lower reliability and durability. The production of multilayer structures is accompanied by increase of complexity of manufacturing and its value. The transition from multilayer wall panels to composite panels allows to reduce the complexity and material consumption of production, increase stability of the cross-section of the panel, and the overall stiffness of the structure. This design solution allows to increase the reliability and durability of the product and, in addition, will provide the opportunity to enhance the thermal resistance of the structures at further modernization of the building. For a production implementation you need to make changes in engineering solutions for the issue. Scientific novelty. The analysis of design solutions wall panels, depending on climatic factors and regulatory requirements. Practical significance. The proposed circuit decision wall panel with increased rigidity and with the possibility of increase of thermal resistance of structures with subsequent modernization of the building.

Author Biographies

V. V. Kolohov, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D.

1Department of technology of building materials, products and structures, State higher educational institution "Pridneprovsk state Academy of civil engineering and architecture", Chernyshevskogo str. 24 a, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine

L. V. Moroz, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ph D

Department of technology of building materials, products and structures, State higher educational institution "Pridneprovsk state Academy of civil engineering and architecture", Chernyshevskogo str. 24 a, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine

N. E. Perchanik, master's degree.

Department of technology of building materials, products and structures, State higher educational institution "Pridneprovsk state Academy of civil engineering and architecture", Chernyshevskogo str. 24 a, 49600, Dnepr, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction