Induced thermally conductive channel influence on the formation of the insulating properties of binary composite materials
composite, effective thermal conductivity, Monte Carlo method, induced heat-conducting channels, dark matrixAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. Analysis of accidental placed inclusions impact on efficient thermal conductivity and local heat fluxes of two-phase composite materials. Method. Composite phase placement simulation by the Monte Carlo method, numerical solution of heat equation in a heterogeneous environment, local heat fluxes calculation. Results. The authors have studied the statistical distribution of the effective thermal conductivity and concentration dependences of its average value. Numerical experiments revealed that the twophase composites effective heat conduction and its irremovable variation depends on the inclusions placement options in particular by the minimum possible distance between them. The local heat fluxes maps study is showed that the heat-conducting channels in matrix phase are induced under the influence of external temperature gradient and randomly scattered inclusions. It found that the shielded regions (so-called ―dark matrix‖) appear in composite matrix. The dark matrix local heat fluxes density is comparable to the density of fluxes through the thermal insulation inclusions. Scientific novelty. As a result, the calculations showed that the two-phase materials effective thermal conductivity with insulating inclusions are largely determined by the number and length of the heatconducting channels which are induced in matrix by the external temperature difference. It was also found that the heat-conducting matrix certain volume, which is shielded by inclusions, does not affect on the heat transfer process. Practical meaningfulness. The numerical study allowed us to identify the factors that must be considered in the further development of the generalized conductivity theory for random inhomogeneous composite materials.References
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