Economically available sources of heatenergy systems of independent heating for the averageukrainian family


  • Е. О. Zheleznyakov stud., Ukraine
  • S. А. Bogoyavlenskiy stud., Ukraine


independent heating, economic availability, tariffs for heating, source of heat energy


Annotation. Goal. High growth rates for centralized heating in Ukraine brought a significant part of the population to the idea of the impossibility of their payment, and helped to popularize the ideas of independent heating. The aim of this work seen as search for answers to following questions: in the current conditions independent heating system is really cost effective for the average ukrainian family, and what source of heat energy of independent heating system is the most economically available to her? Methods. For the study of this question the empirical research method was used. Results. The obtained empirical data allowed us determine whether the current conditions independent heating system is really cost effective for the average ukrainian family.And also determine such a source of heat energy for autonomous heating system, which was the most economically available for the average ukrainian family. Scientificnovelty. In the process of research has been produced identifying better methods for determining the economic feasibility of the installation of independent heating systems. Practicalsignificance. The present study allows the average ukrainian family to choose the economically available source of heat energy for the independent heating system.

Author Biographies

Е. О. Zheleznyakov, stud.

1Departmentofheating,ventilationandairquality, StateHigherEducationInstitution «Pridneprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», st.Chernyshevsky 24th, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk,  Ukraine

S. А. Bogoyavlenskiy, stud.

Departmentofheating,ventilationandairquality, StateHigherEducationInstitution «Pridneprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», st.Chernyshevsky 24th, 49600, Dnepropetrovsk,  Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction