Building a schematic map distribution of emissions of major pollutants from companies by territory in the dnepr city


  • A. S. Demidenko PhD stud., Ukraine
  • S. Z. Polishchuk Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine
  • I. Y. Lesnikova eng., Ukraine
  • A. O. Mykhalchenko master's degree., Ukraine


emissions, card scheme, atmosphere, contaminants


Summary. Purpose. Build-card pattern of emissions of major pollutants by enterprises in the city Dnieper. Methodology. Methodical approach to calculating the distribution of contaminants in the territory and the technology-mapping pattern of contamination. Findings. Using the calculations the concentration of contaminants obtain a composite matrix that is used to build maps diagrams city Dnieper. Originality. Developed sequence mapping circuits by building contour with given values the concentration of emissions. Practical value. The research results can be used in environmental monitoring system in the Dnieper.

Author Biographies

A. S. Demidenko, PhD stud.

Department of Hydrometeorology and Environmental Geoscience, Dnepropetrovsk  Oles Gonchar National University,Gagarin ave., 72, Dnepro, 49010, Ukraine

S. Z. Polishchuk, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of heating, ventilation and air quality, State Higher Education Establishment ―Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture‖, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

I. Y. Lesnikova, eng.

The Department of Transport Systems and Technology, University of customs and finance ul. Dzerzhinskogo 2/4, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine

A. O. Mykhalchenko, master's degree.

The Department of Transport Systems and Technology, University of customs and finance ul. Dzerzhinskogo 2/4, Dnipro 49600, Ukraine


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Energy, ecology, computer technology in construction