Theoretical foundations solving improve safety functioning human systems environment "man - Technosphere"


  • Y. A. Serikov O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkov, Revolution st., 12, 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine, Ukraine


life safety, human systems, reliability, technical diagnostics, man, technosphere


Objective. Technogenic direction of human development, technological advances have caused the creation of man-made systems for various applications, as an objective need for its development. Such systems - technical, chemical, biological, ac-cording to the axiom about the potential danger of the object known, are characterized by a finite value of the reliability level, and therefore a certain risk for the global system «man - the biosphere», «man – technosphere» and their subsystems. The numerical value of human security index system, regardless of its direction and type, is directly dependent on the frequency of failures that occur during its operation, as well as due to the presence in its structure of blocks and forecasting devices, determining the type and time of implementation of emergency situations. At the same time, implemented functionality forecasting failures, identify the reasons that cause such a situation, makes it possible to predict their occurrence. This improves system security, reliability of its operation as a result of the timely adoption of measures to minimize its negative impact on human health and environment. Research and experience in operating a number of human systems show that the implementation of forecasting capabilities can significantly reduce the negative impact of the effects of system failures on the biosphere of the Earth through the accident, accompanied by, for example, the emission of harmful substances, microbes, or ionizing form of electromagnetic fields of great tension. The positive effect is achieved by eliminating the potential negative changes in the health, physiological functions, psychological state of the human body, providing comfort in an environment of «man – technosphere». In addition it should be noted that the increase of reliability of human system in this case is accompanied and economic effect, which is about 30% of system cost. Increasing complexity, capacity of human systems, which is a logical consequence of the development of human society, are aiming to increase the level of safety of human systems in the category of priority. Methods. It proposes to develop a solution to the problem of determining the degree of reliability of functioning of human systems, the reliability of their operation in dynamic mode on the basis of the provisions of the technical diagnostics, which allows to solve the range of problems related to the receipt and evaluation of diagnostic information. Scientific novel-ty. The theoretical position and a functional diagram of the control and measurement system for solving the problem of improving the reliability of functioning of human systems. Practical significance. The implementation of the described research results will make it possible to increase the level of safety of human life in the system «man – technosphere», to reduce the negative impact of human systems on the environment.

Author Biography

Y. A. Serikov, O. M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv, Kharkov, Revolution st., 12, 61002, Kharkov, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Associate Prof., Department of Labour Protection and Life Safety


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Life Safety