New approaches for studying risk - oriented disciplines in higher school
Occupational safety, civil defence, life safety, syllabusAbstract
In the connection with an acceptance in 2014 new Law of Ukraine "On higher school" typical syllabuses of disciplines "Life safety", "Bases of occupational safety", " Occupational safety in the industry" and "Civil defence" put in an operation by the general order of Ministry of education and science of Ukraine, Ministry of Ukraine on questions of emergencies and in matters of protecting of population from the consequences of the Chornobyl catastrophe and State committee of Ukraine on questions of industrial safety, occupational safety and mining supervision from 21.10.2010 № 969/922/216 "About organization and perfection studying on issues of occupational safety, life safety and civil defence in higher educational institutions of Ukraine" lost force. As studying of bases of occupational safety, disciplines “Life safety” and “Civil defence” by students are legislatively fixed a requirement to develop own curricula and corresponding disciplines syllabuses came into every higher educational institution. In NTUU "Igor Sikorsky KPI" all faculties were conditionally divide into two groups. The first group faculties train the comparatively high level of industry risk profession, and the second group includes faculties less level of industry risk profession. The faculties of the first group include the four ECTS credits educational discipline "Occupational safety and civil defence" into curricula, and the faculties of the second group include the two ECTS credits educational discipline "Life safety and civil defence" with a condition that discipline "Occupational safety and civil defence" contains in full requirements that behave to "Life safety " and discipline "Life safety and civil defence" represents the requirements of bases of labour protection to profile speciality for that students study in the university. The history of forming of occupational safety and civil defence as objects of research and corresponding educational disciplines and project of compiling of discipline "Occupational safety and civil defence" syllabus in NTUU "Igor Sikorsky KPI" is laid out in the article.References
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