Research radiation hazard at the tailings «central yar» and «west»
radiation hazard, radiation contamination, dosimetry.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. Analysis of radiation hazards in the former uranium production department «Pridneprovskiy Chemical Plant» (PCP). Method.In conducting research using the standard methods of radiation hazard studies recommended by the ICRP and NRBU. Results.Research has established that in the ―Factory district‖ of Kamenskoe (Dnіprodzerzhinsk) radiation hazards caused by the placement of tailings «West» and «Central Yar», which are man-made sources of ionizing radiation, the former uranium production PD «PCP». As a result of in-situ measurements at the tailings «West», the dose rate of gamma radiation in its territory ranges from 0.1 ÷ 9.8 μG / h, due to the location and local anomalies due to changes in weather conditions. The average dose rate on the surface of the tailings 0.1 - 0.13 μSv / h. However, there are local areas with DER level from 0.72 to 1.5 μSv / h in areas №3 and №4. As a result of the tailings «Central Yar» research on most of the sites that were examined, the exposure dose of gamma radiation was 0.12-6.1 μSv / h. Along the perimeter of the DER γ- radiation reaches 0.3 μSv / h. Radon exhalation to 5 Bq / m².Scientific novelty.For the first time, based on studies the regularities of changes in radiation hazard protection on routes tailings, depending on the time of year and weather conditions. Practical meaningfulness.Complex investigations on the territory of the former uranium production PD «PCP», according to the State program of bringing dangerous objects PD «PCP» in an environmentally safe condition and to ensure the protection of the population, of the harmful effects of ionizing radiation, which allowed us to estimate the radiation hazard on the route protection, adjacent to the tailings, «West», «Central Yar».References
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