Prospects for the use of redispersion powders for the regulation of properties of gypsum mixes.
dry gypsum mix, additive, durability, term of conformance, setting times, solubilityAbstract
The aim of the work is the development of dry building mixes based on gypsum and time increase of time of their conformance through adding of complex additives on the basis of burnt lime and polyvinyl acetate dispersions [PVAD]. Technique. The study used standard research techniques to determine physical and mechanical properties of gypsum binders and quality of complex additives according to ДСТУ Б В.2.7-82-99, ДСТУ Б В.2.7-23-95, ДСТУ Б В.2.7-65-97. Study of phase composition of materials, micro - and macrostructure was carried out by x-ray diffraction, electron and light microscopy. Results. The influence of the main components of the additive (polyvinyl acetate dispersion and lime) on the properties of hemihydrate gypsum is investigated. The chemistry of the interaction of components of the complex additive, according to which the result of alkaline hydrolysis of polyvinyl acetate is formed: polyvinyl alcohol, a feature of its molecules structure is the presence of hydrophilic OH− groups and the hydrophobic component − a hydrocarbon radical. The hydrophilic part of the molecule being ion adsorbed on the surface of the particles of the binder, forms a monomolecular layer that is oriented with the hydrophobic part of the gypsum particles. It is also possible the formation of calcium acetate Ca(СН3СОО)2, which increases the concentration of calcium ions in solution. The combined effect of hydrolysis products significantly reduce the solubility of hemihydrate, the rate of formation of crystallization centers, due to the slowing effect of these supplements. Scientific novelty of the results is theoretically substantiated and experimentally confirmed the possibility of obtaining a dry additiveretarder of gypsum setting based on lime and polyvinyl acetate dispersions due to the formation of polyvinyl alcohol and salts of calcium acetate in the result of alkaline hydrolysis of polyvinyl acetate dispersion (PVAD) with the slaked lime in hydrated lime. Practical significance. The results of the work implemented in the production of dry gypsum mixes.References
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