Ecological risk assessment of air pollutants admissible concentration limits excess
air, pollution, admissible concentration limits, ecological risk, assessment.Abstract
Purpose. Survey of ecological risks from short- and long-term effect on human of anthropogenic chemicals and dust pollution. Methodology. Control and management of air quality needs determination of standard indicators stating admissible effect of polluted air on human. Air pollution maximum allowable concentrations of chemical, biological and physical origin are adopted in Ukraine. Adherence to values of maximum onetime admissible concentration limits makes possible to prevent from pollutants concentrations short-time rises. Continuing intake of air pollutants with medium values unacceptably affects human health. Control of average daily admissible concentration limits adverses health impact. Therefore a condition when short-time raised pollutants concentrations and medium values of air pollutants excess their maximum onetime admissible concentration limits and average daily admissible concentration limits should be met for populated areas. Under the stochastic method, short-time raised pollutants concentrations and medium values ofair pollutants are introduced as vectorial random field. In the given point A of the area it is developed into the system (vector) of random concentrations. Thus, considered conditions of maximum onetime admissible concentration limits and average daily admissible concentration limits are of a random character. A probability of its inobservance is available. Based on the mathematical statistics method, probability and technical systems reliability theories, the probability assesses an ecological risk of interest. Findings. Under the condition short-time raised pollutants concentrations and continuing intake of air pollutants with medium values are introduced as a system (vector) of random concentrations, a considered ecological risk of maximum onetime admissible concentration limits and average daily admissible concentration limits excess is determined through an acquainted multidimensional integral of probabilities with correspondent integration limits. Elaboration of methods for short-time raised pollutants concentrations and medium values density determination, that, in fact, is an integrand, contributes to the risk calculation. Considering natural and random factors, causing pollutants concentrations random changes and in correspondence to probability limit theorem, a density is introduced approximately as multivariative normal case. Under such conditions, density determination needs just its numerical characteristics as concentrations mathematic expectations and their correlation coefficients. They could be obtained as the result of statistic data processing on HydroMet fixed monitoring stations in industrial cities, having been conducted in Ukraine in accordance to the normative document RD 52. 04. 186-89. Sufficient measurement quantity a risk is also assessed according to exceedance frequency of maximum onetime admissible concentration limits and average daily admissible concentration limits. For an analysis of pollutants concentrations effect it was decomposed into separate parts: separate risks only from all of short-time raised pollutants concentrations and only from all average daily admissible concentration limits; separate risks from a separate short-time raised pollutants concentration and an average daily admissible concentration limit. Originality. Applied
stochastic method for air quality assessment at populated areas helped for the first time to obtain an ecological risk assessment for random excesses of maximum onetime admissible concentration limits and average daily admissible concentration limits of their maximum onetime admissible concentration limits and average daily admissible concentration limits, adopted as normative in Ukraine. Practical value. Applied risk assessment is recommended to use based on the measurements data from HydroMet fixed monitoring stations in industrial cities. It should be aimed at decisions taking for obtaining high air quality according to the maximum onetime admissible concentration
limits and average daily admissible concentration limits.
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