Linear heat-transfer coefficient equation for a wall structure made of steel profiles


  • V. Semko PhD, Ukraine
  • B. Gorb BSc, Ukraine
  • A. Akamsin BSc, Ukraine


heat-transfer, tructure, coefficient


In this paper on the basis of the realized investigations it was determined that the linear heat-transfer coefficient of a wall structure with a U-shaped profile dependence on the geometric parameters of the profile is well described by a linear function. This function could be used to analyze the effect of geometrical parameters of the profile on the thermal resistance of the wall structure and for the variant design of wall constructions.

Author Biographies

V. Semko, PhD

BSc Poltava Yuri Kondratyuk National Technical University, Poltava, Ukraine

B. Gorb, BSc

BSc Poltava Yuri Kondratyuk National Technical University, Poltava, Ukraine

A. Akamsin, BSc

BSc Poltava Yuri Kondratyuk National Technical University, Poltava, Ukraine


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