An increase of efficiency of disinfestation is at liquidation of consequences of emergencies by application of bottle aerosol generators


  • A. S. Babich State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Voroshilova str. 25, m. Dnipropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
  • S. G. Hodyayev State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Voroshilova str. 25, M. Dnepropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine
  • V. O. Uleksin State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Voroshilov str 25, Dnepropetrovsk, 49600, Ukraine


emergency, disinfestation, bottle aerosol generator


Aim. One of main problems in a disinfestation there is mechanization of realization of works with reduction of the controlled and outof-control infected substance and negative influence on an environment. Satisfying such requirements maybe application of bottle aerosol generators (BАG), that use energy of gases, that appear at combustion of hard, installing gas connections. Methodology. Application as an energy of hard source installing gas connections (IGС) restrains temper small studied of processes that flow in the devices of such class. Creation of autonomous facilities is with devices (FWD) that consume energy of ТGС for implementation of complex of protective and prophylactic measures in the conditions of emergencies requires the decision of row of tasks. One of them there is cooperating of foods of combustion of ТГС with an active substance. Technique. Use as an energy source solid gasifica compounds (SGC) is constrained by low level of knowledge about the processes occurring in the devices of this class. The creation of an Autonomous funds with hazoheneratsiy devices (GHP) that consume energy CBT for protective and preventive measures in emergency situations requires the solution of several problems. One of them is the interaction of the combustion products of the CBA with the active substance. The results of Heating the liquid thermal conductivity, and the presence of jets of combustion products when triggered, causes intense GHP convective flows in the liquid. The intensity varies with device applicable attachments and its location in the free volume of the cylinder. Scientific novelty. For the task applied boundary conditions of the fourth kind for a system of two napavalley bodies, in which different initial temperature and the initial time of the body shown in juxtaposition. The decision held for the plane case. The result shows that the application of CBT to boost liquid fire extinguishers require additional measures to reduce the temperature of the gas mixture. The practical significance. The depth of heating of the liquid substance in contact with a gas mixture can be considered negligible. However, it is necessary to reduce the temperature of combustion products in the case of thermally unstable liquids. To reduce the temperature of combustion products effectively using gazokontrolja head to getgenerator device.

Author Biographies

A. S. Babich, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Voroshilova str. 25, m. Dnipropetrovsk, 49600

Cand. Sc., associate Professor, Department of life safety

S. G. Hodyayev, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Voroshilova str. 25, M. Dnepropetrovsk, 49600

Cand. Sc., associate Professor, Department of safety

V. O. Uleksin, State higher educational institution "Dnipropetrovsk state agrarian and economical University", Voroshilov str 25, Dnepropetrovsk, 49600

Cand. Sc., associate Professor, Department of tractors and cars


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Life Safety