Prognosis the oxygen regime of the Seversky Donets river methods of mathematical modeling
mathematical modeling, forecasting, Streeter-Phelps model, oxygen regime, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), dis-solved oxygenAbstract
Purpose. The aim of this paper is to construct a mathematical model (determination of its parameters) to predict the oxygen regime (BOD and dissolved oxygen) кшм. Seversky Donets based on the classical model Streeter-Phelps. The paper used the method of mathematical modeling of the dynamics of changes in the concentration of dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand based on a retrospective analysis of the operational monitoring data. Results. The analysis of the oxygen regime riv. Sev-ersky Donets near Izyum and calculated parameters of the model for the Streeter-Phelps section riv. Seversky Donets River, located in the district of the Kharkov region Izyum. Scientific novelty is to provide a method for determining model parameters Streeter-Phelps based on an analysis of historical data and using the data analysis BOD and dissolved oxygen of several cross-sections riv. Seversky Donets, that allows to predict the oxygen regime of the river at different times of the year. The practical significance is the possibility of using the derived equations to predict the oxygen regime riv. Seversky Donets - the rate of change of concentration of BOD and dissolved oxygen, calculating the distance from the place of sampling for analysis to the point of a possible discharge of pollution into the river for a timely decision on the operational and effective management of the ecological state of the river basin Seversky Donets.References
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