Influence of outdoor particulate pollution and meteorological parameters on indoor fine particles levels in two different ventilation systems
Correlation between indoor particulate pollution and outdoor PM concentration and meteorological parametersAbstract
The health risks of fine particulate matter PM air pollution were been investigated in many scientific studies. Some of the effects are an aggravated asthma, increase in respiratory symptoms like coughing and difficult or painful breathing, chronic bronchitis, decreased lung function, and premature death. Outdoors particulate pollution is one of principal sources of indoor fine particles. This paper is an experimental study for evaluating the impact of outdoor PM, temperature and pressure difference, inside and outdoor relative humidity and wind speed on the indoor level of particles concentrations in two different ventilation systems: humidity-controlled extract-only ventilation (HC-EOV) and multi supply-only ventilation (M-SOV). The results show that the relationships vary predominantly with particles size range and the air exchange rate. The influence seems to be lower with the M-SOV system due to the air filtration, the pressurization effect and the high air exchange rate.References
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