The factors influencing the choice of technology for roofing repair of industrial buildings
Therefore for industrial buildings, research of various technologies of repair and reconstruction of roofs of industrial buildings, the methodology of their choice with regard of all the requirements to the above mentioned factors are necessary.Abstract
The choice of repair method of a multilayer flat roof is a complicated task due to the lack of information about technical conditions of the inner layers of the roof repaired, appearance of new materials and new varieties of known roofing materials, conflicting recommendations on their application and methods of installation. At present there are no special techniques and recommendations, scientifically proved to selection of optimal methods for roof repair of industrial buildings in Ukraine. As to 95% of the total amount is made from rolled roofing coating, priority should be given to the technology of making up the roof from top roll coating. The importance of this trend is also due to the fact that, as analysis of references shows the volume of roof repair is more the amount then under construction. Therefore for industrial buildings, research of various technologies of repair and reconstruction of roofs of industrial buildings, the methodology of their choice with regard of all the requirements to the above mentioned factors are necessary.
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