A contribution in an experimentally and numerically study of the particles re-suspension by an human activity


  • K. Limam
  • J. El Hijri
  • A. Draoui
  • M. Savytskyi
  • E. Yurchenko


The results of our experiments were taken into the human activities as well sources of the air pollution also as a factor within other influences will gives in air quality.


The particles pollutions inside buildings are concerns to living or staying in a house, this is an essentially subject while the particles moving or displacing in the airborne transport also it a mostly consider in this study.  Nowadays, there is very few studies were concentrated in the commonly aspects of particles suspension. In particularly, a residence or building with a large volume room for the public used such an air velocity has remained to slowly down and it was allowed with a difficulty store “extraction’’ to the settled particles. Therefore, we have developed for a testing room to measure this phenomenon. Based on these experiments were shown which a close approximation in the modelling particles behaviour during in a re-suspension phenomenon.   In this research we used an analogical electric with the cycle discharges; they are used a resistance of RL circuit to modify an input the particles suspension. The results of our experiments were taken into the human activities as well sources of the air pollution also as a factor within other influences will gives in air quality.

Author Biographies

M. Savytskyi

SHEE Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine)

E. Yurchenko

SHEE Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine)


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes