Evaluation experimentale de la qualite de l’air interieur par decharge de particules en modele reduit controle : impact de la temperature et de l’humidite


  • K. A. Limam
  • T. b. Nikiforova
  • M. V. Savytskyi
  • А. V. Adegov
  • B. C. Benhamou


La dispersion des données parmi les différentes études est tout à fait significative et traduit l’ampleur de la problématique du pouvoir captant des parois.


A series of experimental and numerical studies have been conducted and concern two different fields of study (test cells LaSIE and Maria CSTB). The two air exchange rates were considered: 0.5 and 1.0 vol.h-1. This study to better understand the influence of ventilation on particulate pollution, showing that the movement of particles in the indoor air depends not only on the rate of air exchange, but also used by the flow path air in the atmosphere (ventilation strategy). We found that the influence of the positions of the inlet and the air outlet was stronger for fine particles than for particles of larger size. For configuration bottom-top, the effect of doubling the rate of air exchange resulting in a doubling of the rate of deposition, while for the other configuration top-bottom, the increase in air renewal does not change the deposit particles of a diameter greater than 0.9  m and its effect is reversed for smaller particles. The last part of the study deals with the human exposure to the pollutant.

Author Biographies

K. A. Limam

Laboratory of engineering sciences for environment (LaSIE), University of La Rochelle, France;

T. b. Nikiforova

Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine);

M. V. Savytskyi

Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine);

А. V. Adegov

Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Dnipropetrovsk (Ukraine);

B. C. Benhamou

EnR2E Laboratory, CNEREE Cadi Ayyad University, Merrakech (Morocco)


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