Лстк method for determination of the probability of thermal failure of building envelopes made of steel cold-formed elements by using the thermal characteristics


  • V. O. Semko PhD., Ukraine


thermal reliability, probability of failure, linear heat-conducting inclusions, variability, linearization, cold-formed


Annotation. The aim of the article is to develop a methodology for determining the probability of thermal failure of building envelopes made of cold-formed steel elements by using three thermal indicators. The relevance of the research. Design of building envelopes based on the deterministic approaches does not take into account the variability of many factors that affect the result of the calculation. Obtaining the mathematical apparatus to perform the probability calculations of envelopes will give an insight into the effect of the variability of different factors on the reliable operation of a heat-insulating cover. Methods: the study used methods of building thermal physics and the theory of reliability. Results. Method for determining the probability of thermal failure of building envelopes with linear heat-conducting inclusions by three thermal indicators. The practical significance of the received method of calculation is that a mathematical apparatus of evaluation of the effect of different factors and their variability on the faultness performance of building envelopes with heat-conducting inclusions, such as wall structures made of cold-formed steel elements, was received.

Author Biography

V. O. Semko, PhD.

Associate Professor  1Department of Metal, Wooden and Plastic Constructions, Poltava Yuri Kondratyuk National Technical University, 24 Pershotravnevyi avenue, Poltava, 36011, Ukraine


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