Definition of risk during production emergency recovery and repair works


  • N. Kasyanov Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine
  • O. Gunchenko Cand. Sc.(Tech), Assoc., Ukraine
  • V. Korennoy Inst., Ukraine
  • I. Mescheryakova Ac., Ukraine


safety, emergency, emergency recovery and repair and construction work, the rescuer, production risk, physiological characteristics, likely consequences.


Annotation. Goal. Analysis of statistical data shows rescuers injuries need to improve the methodological aspects of the definition of operational risk during emergency restoration and repair works in emergency situations of technogenic origin on construction sites. It has been shown that by the occupational groups with high levels of operational risk are workers and rescuers, who every day take part in liquidation of consequences of natural and man-made, or mixed-type emergencies. Such situations are the result of the fact that the violation of not only the normal state of production equipment, processes and procedures and operation of buildings and structures, leading to their destruction with unpredictable consequences for rescue and emergency recovery work. Methods. It is shown that under normal emergency recovery and repair works on the first place in their security goes «general ability to work» and «force» the rescuers and the implementation of technically complex recovery and repair works - increased requirements for psychological, technical and special training, which are combined in the so-called «sporting component», which, in particular, for work at height is crucial. Violation of emergency response plans is not only due to the influence of insufficient reliability of the equipment on the probability of failure as a result of structural and technological deficiencies, the operating rules violations under emergency situations, developing resource and others. The human operator also has its own characteristics that influence its possible failures, which are extremely dangerous, including and especially, for the rescuers in a physical and moral fatigue, in stressful situations of recovery and repair works. Results. Therefore, it is necessary in determining the causes of failures in industrial equipment used analysis method of «tree faults» or «fault tree» and «fault tree», which is essential for the assessment of operational risk to rescuers, including in it other than «technical», and «human» failures. It is noted that the human impact on the definition of common indicators of industrial rescuer risk can be assessed based on the likelihood of forced and unforced bounce components and body as a whole. The scientific novelty and practical significance. The necessity of introduction in mathematical model of an estimation of industrial risk to rescuers, in addition to "technical" and "human" failures that need to be assessed by taking into account the probability of forced and unforced components of bounce and body as a whole. You can use the experimental values of the infallibility of the average characteristics of the person, that is, the probability of error-free production of functional activities, by their individual account in the list of events in the «Risk Tree» or the introduction of correction factors in the value of possible failures.

Author Biographies

N. Kasyanov, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of occupational health and the environment, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotskyi prospect, 31, 03680 Kiev, Ukraine

O. Gunchenko, Cand. Sc.(Tech), Assoc.

Life Safety Department and OSH, State University of Telecommunications, ul. Solomenskaya, 7, 03680, Kiev, Ukraine

V. Korennoy, Inst.

Department of occupational health and the environment, Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, Povitroflotskyi prospect, 31, 03680 Kiev

I. Mescheryakova, Ac.

Department of life safety, State Higher Education Establishment «Pridneprovsk State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture», 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine


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