Features of the method of calculation of limit states design in emergency situations
limit states, load-bearing capacity, emergency situations, limiting the load bearing structure, complete exhaustion of bearing capacity,Abstract
Annotation. The aim of the article is to illustrate some of the specific features of the method for calculating the limit states of structures in emergency situations. The relevance of research. The standards of design loads and forces encountered in emergency situations shall be considered as incidental, which are accounted in their respective emergency combinations. Themselves with the calculation methods are the same as in conventional design situations. For a number of unique buildings and structures the approach to the calculation results in an unjustified overestimation of metal bearing structures. In the article the examples of calculation of load-bearing steel structures in emergency situations, the full depletion of load-bearing capacity, which significantly reducesmetal consumption, and cost. Methods:implementation of the proposed article algorithms implemented in relation to steel beams. With the use of engineering methods are determined by quantitative evaluation of the limit loads for beams, corresponding to various regulatory requirements (regulatory limit states). Results:Quantitative evaluation of maximum loads, indicating that the calculation of load-bearing structures in emergency situations, the full exhaustion of their bearing capacity allows, in some cases significantly increase the maximum allowable load. Practical value:the general principles contained in Article algorithm can be extended to a number of other supporting structures, which should be designed taking into account the possible implementation of a particular emergency, adhering to such algorithms, it is possible to significantly reduce the consumption of materials and the cost of buildings and structures.References
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