Evaluation of efficacy of human resources management of project in project-oriented organizations


  • I. А. Sokolov doct. Sc. (Tech.), docent, dean of the industrial and civil engineering faculty, Ukraine


projects, project resources management, human resources, project-oriented organization


Annotation. Goal. Develop a holistic view of management systems supporting the development of organizations through projects and programs. Methods. The systematic approach considers the organization as a set of interrelated elements. People, goals, structure, tasks, technology are the variables of the internal environment of the organization. The factors of the external environment which influence the organization include: the laws and regulations of state regulation, the state of the economy; technological advances; part of disposable income; cultural and political changes; the impact of interest group of suppliers; and others. All changes always start from outside of the organization (in the external environment), that’s why the organization's management must be able to identify significant factors in the environment that affect the organization and through effective implementation of available recourses. Results. The work proposes the method of evaluating the effectiveness of project human resource management in the projectoriented organization, which takes into account changes in the probability of failure-free operation of performers in the course of the project based on the reliability theory. Scientific novelty. For effective existence, any organization must add the tools to assess the effectiveness of management of available resources to their structure. The proposed directions of the internal environment development of the organization allow to create a system of evaluating the effectiveness of human resource management project in the project-oriented organizations. Practical significance. The proposed system will help the organization to unite, to subordinate all available resources to the main goal, to make it competitive, able to create a product with new consumer values.

Author Biography

I. А. Sokolov, doct. Sc. (Tech.), docent, dean of the industrial and civil engineering faculty

Department of Construction technology, State Higher Education Establishment “Pridneprovskaya State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, 24-A, Chernishevskogo str., Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine


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Innovative lifecycle technology of housing and civil, industrial and transportation purposes