Peculiarities of low-rise residential floating houses design according to the shipbuilding codes
low-rise residential floating houses, technical-exploitational parameters, buoyancy, stability, design codesAbstract
Summary. Raising of problem. Erection of floating buildings and structures is one of the newest direction in construction and architecture, which becomes popular in Ukraine resently. Normative base for design, constuction and exploitation of residential floating houses is practically absent and present investigations related to floating houses design mainly have reviewing style. The characteristic feature of floating house is a combination of functional peculiarities of a traditional house and a ship. Therefore while designing of low-rise residential floating house, among guaranteeing strength, stability, durability, etc., the main objective is to ensure safe exploitation according to the shipbuilding. Purpose. Development of method of determination and verification of main technical-exploitational parameters (seat, buoyancy, stability, floodability) of low-rise residential floating houses according to the operating shipbuilding codes. Conclusion. According to the analysis of the normative and technical documents existing in building and shipbuilding industries, criteria of safe exploitation of low-rise residential floating houses were defined. The method of determination of technical-exploitational parameters of low-rise residential floating houses was developed considering demands of the Shipping Register of Ukraine. According to the analysis of approaches to the determination of wind loads according to the standards of the Shipping Register of Ukraine and DBN В.1.2-2:2006 “Loads and effects” it is determined that use of wind load values from building code is more reasonable in stability calculations.References
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