Operational suitability and reliable metal towers on the roof derzprom in kharkov after long term USE
tower, metal construction, operational suitability, durabilityAbstract
Abstract. Purpose. In the 50 years of the twentieth century Tide rooftop Derzhprom in Kharkiv was established metal tower for broadcasting TV and radio programs. The total height of the tower to the building was more than 100m. Previous examination of the technical condition performed in 2002. In order to evaluate the technical condition and the possibility of further safe operation of the tower was carried out a detailed examination of metallic and reinforced concrete structures, held a screening calculation taking into account existing at the moment of the actual loads and technical state of the tower. Methodology. To accomplish this was a plan of work for the diagnosis of technical state of constructions metal tower, which includes the following work: visual and instrumental inspection of metal structures, identification of all existing at the time of the survey loads on the tower, checking calculation taking into account the corrosive wear of the elements of the tower, the definition the actual stress in the elements of the tower. Findings. Based on the visual and instrumental examinations, checking calculations concluded that metal tower structure, basically, are in satisfactory condition and suitable for further use. The obtained data about defects and damage in the elements of metal towers in concrete around metal frames determined efforts in the cell tower with the current requirements by calculation and corrosive wear items. Originaliny. The data on metal corrosion damage to the tower after 60 years of operation, state and flanged welds elements of the tower during the constant action of wind loads. For the most intense elements of towers (lower sections prismatic zone area) was taken into account the possibility of metal fatigue. Practical value. The survey of technical condition of metal structures tower of the data reliability and long eternity towers, recommendations on repair and further safe operation.References
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