Prefabricated beamless slab with modifying of hollow plates
composite structures, slabs, compositely work.Abstract
Abstract. Purpose. The main goal is to find new kinds of unification of concrete and steel, achieving a high technical and economic indicators of structures through the use of the advantages of each of the components of complex structures while eliminating their disadvantages. Methodology. The analysis of theoretical and experimental studies of various constructive schemes overlap. Findings. The next step in the modification of modular and prefabricated monolithic skeletons of buildings and structures is a combination of hollow precast slabs, their modifications and complex designs transom frame. Tasks aimed at finding rational parameters of such structures, the study of their strength and deformability and implementation of the results in the construction are appropriate and relevant. According to the research proposed a new type of structural schemes using modified overlap of hollow plates, use of which is possible to achieve a high technical and economic indicators of structures, by taking advantage of hollow-modified concrete slabs and components of complex structures. Originality. Analysis of the research showed that the use of the modified floor structure of hollow slabs of metal to reduce overlap and increase the speed of installation. Practical value. One of the main advantages of this system is the cost of the construction of the frame. Up to 95% overlap is of hollow plate. Square meter of hollow slab is cheaper any overlap. The system "Cube 2.5" square meter of slab is 2-3 times more expensive, and in the monolithic frame of 4-5 times more expensive. However, compared with the "Cube 2.5" with monolithic frame, representation of the system has the additional costs of cross-bars on the outer perimeter of the building, but their number and their amount is insignificant and gives a very slight increase in cost. Besides these beams will serve as walling further increase the stiffness of the frame.References
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