Experimental research of deformability of units of steel and concrete composite grid-cable roof


  • L. I. Storozhenko Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof., Ukraine
  • G. M. Gasii Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Associate Professor, Ukraine


structure, steel and concrete composite construction, roof, stress-strain state, joint work.


Abstract.  Purpose.  Steel  and  concrete  composite  grid-cable  roof  has  advantages  of  metal  and  concrete  space structures  [10] .  Feature  of  construction  is  the  principle  of  rational  use  of  materials  and  properties  of  the  structural elements. The roof consists of spatial flatness-core units that are connected to each other with specially designed joints. The shape of the roof is made using cables. Investigation of the stress-strain state of the individual elements is an urgent problem.  Methodology.  Experimentally  determine the  deformation  characteristics  and  the nature  of  the  loss  of  loadcarrying capacity of units of the space steel and concrete composite grid-cable roof. Load is applied through the traverse system and a hydraulic jack. For measuring of deformation are used strain gauges.  Placing sensors is carried out in the most  typical  areas  of  construction.  Two  types  of  units  of  steel  and  concrete  composite  grid-cable  roof  will  be researched. According to the results of the experiment to conclude,  the method adopted to ensure of joint work of steel and concrete elements is effective. Accepted methods of measuring strain allows to obtain experimental data on which to adequately assess the stress-strain state of the structures under study .  Findings.  It was found that the destruction of the prototypes was the nature of the plastic. Accepted methods of reinforcement provides sufficient bearing capacity of the elements. Effectiveness of  way to ensure joint work of  steel and concrete was confirmed.  The dependence of the deformation  of  samples  from  the  load  was  obtained.  In  accordance  with  the  obtained  dependence  it  found  that  the elastic stage of operation of prototypes was observed until reaching a load equal to 70% of the devastating. Originality. Defined mode of deformation of individual bearing elements of the new design  –  steel and concrete composite gridcable  roof.  Practical  value.  The  study  of  stress-strain  state  of  the  individual  bearing  elements  investigated  coatings allowed to confirm the effectiveness of constructive solutions, and to provide a method of reinforcing teamwork steel and  concrete,  which  in  turn  gives  rise  to  a  further decision  of  the  common  problems  and  overcome  obstacles  to  the introduction of new structures in the construction practice.

Author Biographies

L. I. Storozhenko, Dr. Sc. (Tech.), Prof.

Department of Structures from Metal, Wood and Plastics, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, 24, Pershotravnevyi avenue, Poltava 36011, Ukraine

G. M. Gasii, Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Associate Professor

Department of Organization and Technology of Building and Health Safety, Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University, 24, Pershotravnevyi avenue, Poltava 36011, Ukraine


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