Ros device technology of earthquake resistant masonry structures with the completion of a frame building made of reinforced concrete.


  • V. Т. Shalennyi The National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction Str. Kiev, 181, 95493, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine
  • А. А. Kovalev The National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction Str. Kiev, 181, 95493, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine
  • А. І. Shaitanov The National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction Str. Kiev, 181, 95493, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea, Ukraine


stone walls, mechanization, mast lift, manufacturing jobs.


It outlines the fundamental provisions to develop and implement PPR on the device of stone designs and fachwerk walls being finished frame building made of reinforced concrete with mechanization hoisting mast lift work.

Author Biographies

V. Т. Shalennyi, The National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction Str. Kiev, 181, 95493, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea

Dr. Sc(Tech)., Prof., Department of Technology and organization of construction

А. А. Kovalev, The National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction Str. Kiev, 181, 95493, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea

Cand. Sc.(Tech), Assoc., Department of Technology and organization of construction

А. І. Shaitanov, The National Academy of Environmental and Resort Construction Str. Kiev, 181, 95493, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea



Охорона праці, технічна та пожежна безпека будівництва і реконструкції об’ектів :Навч. посібник /О. М. Лівінський, А. Д. Єсипенко, В. Т. Шаленний, В. С. Дорофєєв, В. I. Москаленко, В. О. Гридякін, А. А. Ковальов, Т. В. Самусь, Г. М. Ковальов, В. М. Гродський. — К. : "МП Леся", 2012. — 440с.

ДБН А.3.2-2-2009. Охорона праці і промислова безпека у будівництві. Основні положення. К.: Мінрегіонбуд Україи.-2012.- 94с.





Life Safety