Design features of the timber-soilconcrete floors
a structure of the timber-concrete floor, the I-beam, the timber-soilconcrete slab, the nag connections, t/he OSB slab, SoilconcreteAbstract
Purpose. The aims of this research is creation of new structural solution of a composite timber- soilconcrete floor for lowrise buildings and determination of their design characteristics. Methodology. For solution of this problem we used the existing selection techniques of the timber beam cross-sections with some elements with different modulus and the results of research of composit timber beams behavior with a OSB-3 slab and the timber beams which are connected by the self-tapping screws. These results were obtained in the research laboratory at National academy of nature protection and resort construction. Findings. We were created the engineering technique for designing of the composite timber-soilconcrete beam where the OSB-3 slab connected with the timber beams by the nag connectors and soilconcrete is connected with permanent formwork by nags too. Engineering technique proposed by us consists of two designs methods: γ-method and Girhammar’s method. Originality. We have got an idea about the future evolution of the combine technique of designing of the timber-soilconcrete floors. Practical value. Development of the engineering technique of designing of timber-soilconcrete floors.
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