Formation of power supply system with the use of energy alternative sources


  • L. V. Nakashydze Dnipropetrovs' k national university named after Oles Gonchar, Gagarina ave. 72, Dnipropetrovs' k, Ukraine, Ukraine
  • V. A. Gabrinetc Dnipropetrovs' k national university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan, Lazaryana str. 2, Dnipropetrovs' k, Ukraine, Ukraine


energy supply systems, alternative energy sources, circuit solutions options, criteria, decomposition, performance assessment


Annotation. The aim of the work is to determine the specific technical and economic criteria that allow carrying out hierarchical decomposition  of  projected  energy  supply  system  that  uses  alternative  sources  of  energy.  A  methodological  approach  that consistently carries out a comparative analysis  of variants of such systems is considered  in the design of innovative energy supply system.  The  result  is a methodological approach, in which the base is the following sequence of operations: determination of the baseline modeling - decomposition - inform ation support - synthesis of model - checking the adequacy - specification (identification) model.  There  are  substantiated  the  expediency  of:  carrying  out  decomposition  of  energy  supply  system  at  the  design  stage;  the necessity of using criteria such as "efficiency-cost". To evaluate the completeness of component elements of energy innovation system it is  proposed  to  use  the  criteria for  an  estimation  of  efficiency  that  are  thermal, resource,  construction,  reliable  etc.  Scientific novelty  lies  in  the  fact  that,  in  accordance  with  the  proposed  methodological  approach,  it  is  encouraged  to  undertake  the decomposition  not  to  the  level  of  the  basic  components  of  the  energy  system  and  functional  connections  between  the structural elements and interconnections, but  to the level occurring in most parts of the system.  The  practical importance  is when  using the principle of decomposition it is possible to obtain reliable information about the state of subsystems at each level of organization of the whole power supply system that uses alternative energy sources. The use of the obtained results will allow at the designstage to predict  the  effectiveness  of  the  developed  system  of  energy  supply.  This  involves  a  consideration  of the  mutual  influence  of  its subsystems. This approach allows optimizing structure of energy supply system, improving the efficiency of the structural elements of the system.

Author Biographies

L. V. Nakashydze, Dnipropetrovs' k national university named after Oles Gonchar, Gagarina ave. 72, Dnipropetrovs' k, Ukraine

PhD, senior scientific researcher

V. A. Gabrinetc, Dnipropetrovs' k national university of railway transport named after V. Lazaryan, Lazaryana str. 2, Dnipropetrovs' k, Ukraine

doctor of techn. sciences, professor


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