Forecast durability of concrete protective layer wall panel large residential buildings series 1-480 criterion carbonization


  • M. M. Makhinko Department of Reinforce-Concrete and Stone Structures, State Higher Education Establishment “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernyshevsky St. 24a, Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine, Ukraine


Large panel residential building, durability, carbonization, series 1-480.


Abstract.  Relevance.  Durability is an important property and reliability, which provide the ability to long-term operation at the required maintenance, including various types of repairs. Long-term climate effects are factor that has a significant impact on the current  state  of  superficial  and  deep layers  of  fencing  and  designs.  All  studies  forecast  carbonation  of  concrete  protective  layer designed for stationary processes, when the temperature and humidity constant. In actual conditions,the temperature and humidity of the  outside  air  change  throughout  the  year.  These  factors  must  be  considered  when  assessing  and  improving  the  methods  of  forecasting durability of concrete protective layer on the criterion of carbonation. It is noted that special attention should be vertical and horizontal joints of panels and, above all, their connection  to the embedded metal parts, often prone to corrosion. Common to these series common type of damage is the formation of cracks in the joints of exterior wall panels,whereby the connecting elements are destroyed and the permeation of moisture in the flat,  the occurrence of moisture, rot and impaired spatial rigidity and stability of buildings.  The  purpose  of  this  paper  is  to  forecast  the  durability,  protective  layer  of  concrete  wall  panels  of  large  residential buildings  series 1-480 criterion carbonation.  Results.  Submitted forecast calculations time carbonation of concrete protective layer thickness of 20, 30, 40 mm rebar connections vertical joints of wall panels of large residential buildings 1.480 series for the climatic conditions of Dnepropetrovsk at  a rate of portland cement in concrete 250 and 300 kg / m3 and water-cement ratio    W/C = 0.5. Scientific novelty  and  practical significance.  The estimation and prediction of the durability of large residential buildings, taking into  account  the  kinetics  of  corrosion  of  concrete  and  reinforcing  relationships.  

Author Biography

M. M. Makhinko, Department of Reinforce-Concrete and Stone Structures, State Higher Education Establishment “Prydniprovska State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture”, Chernyshevsky St. 24a, Dnipropetrovsk 49600, Ukraine

Cand. Sc. (Tech.), Ass.-prof.


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